Archive for the ‘Home’ category

Sleeping dogs

December 2, 2012

Last week my friend Wendy emailed me this photo:

Today Bubba, too, was laying in the ray of death.


Dogs have no shame, do they? We’d get arrested if we sprawled out like that.

At the same time, Callie was sleeping in Bubba’s new bed. The photo is a little out of focus, but that white thing in her mouth is a doggie bone. She actually fell asleep with the bone in her mouth.


Isn’t it amazing how our dogs keep us entertained, even when they sleep.

Spoiled rotten

November 28, 2012

I work, they sleep. Not fair


Callie plays….


Bubba sleeps



Yes, he’s in his doggie bed and tucked in so cozy

Electric blanket

November 28, 2012

Last night I turned on the electric blanket. Bubba immediately went to bed and stretched out. Now my tummy is nice and warm and if only mommy would leave me alone with that darn camera


Project weekend

September 23, 2012

What a weekend. I”m finally getting to sit down. We started off with a list of to-do’s. Not all of them have been finished, which means we’ll just have to work on them next weekend.

The funny thing is when I look at the list it makes me wonder where did the time go. Really, the list didn’t look that long. We should have been able to complete them all, right? Obviously not.

What I did get done:
Cleaned and organized my pantry. I’m embarrassed to say it took me almost 3 hours. I really thought out the organization process and didn’t rush. Perhaps had I moved a little faster I could have gotten more done. Oh, well, it’s nice and organized and I actually know what’s in the pantry now.

Menu for the week is all done. This means when I shopped this morning I only purchased what was needed for the meals this week. Let me tell you that was really hard, too. There was so much food that was calling to me. The eggplant looked good this week at the store. The cookies looked good, the brownie mixes. But, I was so good and only bought what was on my list.

Played with Callie. Worked with both dogs on training. Little at a time. Throw the ball for Callie, reward Bubba when he did not bark at people. Made Callie stay while I threw the ball, rewarded Bubba when he did not bark at people. Hid the ball and made Callie find it, rewarded Bubba when he did not bark at people. See a pattern?

Saturday night we made homemade pasta and it was oh, so good. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture. Next time.

A few of our tiles in the kitchen had broken, so Jim got that all fixed up.

All of JIm’s laundry is done from his trip. Towels, sheets all done too.

Bills paid.

This morning I made some granola. First time, too. We love it for breakfast with fresh fruit and yogurt. Boxed granola cereal is so expensive and so full of calories. I found an easy recipe and after making it wondered why it had taken me so long to make it.


We’ll have that with fresh fruit in the morning


Almost can’t wait for Monday morning. At least to eat.

We worked in the yard, ran errands, worked in the basement and the weekend flew by.

Things we didn’t get to.
Winterize the RV, which we must do next weekend.
Install the new ceiling fan.

Wash the patio windows.



Why is it that with dogs the windows are always icky? Why is it that it really doesn’t bother me all that much.

I did get them to “stay” while I took this picture.


So, Sunday night and Jim is home, some things are done, the doggies are sleeping and snoring and all is right with my world.