Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all. To all of our readers, we hope you have a prosperous 2013.

We’re taking it easy this afternoon. We started out the day by making cheese and mushroom omelets, doing dishes and doing a few loads of laundry. Then to top off the morning we spent 45 minutes outside in the backyard. It was a sunny 14 degree morning and we thought picking up doggy poop might be fun. Actually tomorrow is garbage day, so might as well get it done today. It’s always fun chipping out frozen poopsickles from the grass.

After a nice lunch of smoked ribs sandwiches we sat down. I started to write, hubby decided to lay back in his recliner and take nap. I guess Bubba’s bed wasn’t good enough for him so he decided to join Jim in the recliner:


There’s a symphony going on over there. Both Jim and Bubba are snoring.

Not to be outdone, Callie decided she too needed a lap. I’m holding the Ipad up high trying not to disturb her.


So, this is how we start out 2013. Not a bad start.

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